Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Start a blog!

As a manager you have to have your own philosophy of management and toolkit. For that you need to constantly think and formulate your thoughts. Writing is the best means of thought formulation. Through writing you can see the strengths and weaknesses of your thought, get feedback from others and also review your own thoughts somewhere down the road a again when you are in a different state of mind or experience. This way you can put your world and management outlook into perspective effectively an significantly enhance it.
The best method to do all the above by maintaining a blog. Who knows maybe you'll get popular too if you choose your content carefully!


Friday, February 4, 2011

What is the problem with "Problem Solving" actually?

Problem solving by definition has two phases:
1- Identifying the problem.
2- Finding a solution.

If step one is done properly, maybe 70% of the work is completed.
But far too often, we get involved in proposing solutions while the problem itself is not really clear.
There is usually just a sense that something is wrong and someone jumps out with a rigid proposal.

A lot more focus needs to be placed on problem identification, isolation and definition, don't you think?

And read some books.


Management Innovation: How transparent can management get?


Passion matters a lot!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be an enthusiastic entrepreneur!

This a good example for such enthusiasm that is much needed to grow anything.
Get enthusiastic.


Meetings, what a waste of time!

Meetings can become a true waste of time. They actually are quite useless most of the time in today's corporations but they are constantly there an take a huge amount of our time.

A manager needs to keep the below in mind at all times:

1- Do not attend a meeting if you can deal with the matter in any other way and more productively.
2- When you attend a meeting ensure the existence of a structure in conduct of the meeting, it must include a brief introduction of the topic, the people present and what possibly is being targeted to be achieved.
3- Ensure you know what the meeting is about buy requesting a brief description from the organizer and always go to a meeting that has an agenda. Avoid meetings without an agenda completely.
4- Have your clear agenda and reason for attending  the meeting. Make sure you know what you want to achieve.
5- Ensure action items, actionees and deadlines are recorded.
6- Avoid long meetings.
7- Avoid regular meetings.
8- Avoid meetings with too many participants. More than 3 or 4 people is usually too many.

Feel free to add to this list in the comments.

Meetings are not new, they have been around at least for as long as businesses have been around and they same essential problems have existed. And the productivity issues with regards to them never go irrelevant. I found the below book which is from at least over 20 years ago very useful. It proposes a structured way for conducting meetings that ensures a much better level of productivity by ensuring achievement of results and making better decisions in meetings.